Walkbetween Acupuncture: a comprehensive and integrative healing modality in which acupuncture facilitates body-mind-spirit attunement and true health.
By listening deeply to your words and your pulses, I tune into your innermost being, making “somatic sense” of symptoms and blocks that keep you from moving through your life with ease.
I will talk with you about these, so that a clear picture may arise, a pathway where your energy, on all levels, wants to move. The treatment I then choose follows this, your unique healing path. As you relax the needles will do their work. During our hour together, I stay in the room with you, attending to shifts in your body verbally and by adjusting the treatment. With long-distance and overseas clients, I also work over the phone. The seeming limitations of this venue turn into the amazing advantage of deep counseling and coaching work without any environmental and visual distractions. This approach draws deeply from my comprehensive training, knowing and intuition, and most often, but not exclusively, addresses concerns around body image and eating psychology, as well as major life transitions.
Benefits you can expect from working with me:
A comprehensive approach to your very individual health needs
- A lessening, and often disappearance, of painful symptoms
- An understanding what makes your body-mind-spirit flourish or falter
- A plan of action to recognize and transform unhealthy stress patterns
- A sustainable approach to lasting, constitutional healing
- Take-home tools to further your healing process
- My support in between sessions by phone or e-mail
To schedule an appointment, please call 720-470-9204 or contact me here!